This technique is used in various parts of the world, notably Scandinavia and the Balkans. It was particularly popular in Scandinavia and neighbouring countries (notably Ireland, northern England and Scotland) during the Viking period.
Nålebinding is sometimes compared with crochet and knitting. All three techniques create a looped fabric, but in very different ways. Crochet uses a single hook without an eye; knitting uses two knitting needles without eyes. Nålbindning uses a single needle with an eye.
Source: OWEN-CROCKER, Gale R., 'Nålebinding' (2012). In: Gale Owen-Crocker, Elizabeth Coatsworth and Maria Hayward (eds., 2012), Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles, c. 450-1450, Brill: Leiden, pp. 372-373.
Digital source of illustration (retrieved 29 June 2016).