Cutwork, drawn/pulled thread work
Cutwork is a form of decorative needlework, in which sections of the ground material (normally a cotton or linen fabric) are cut away and then sometimes filled in again. The filling in is done with stitching, generally with buttonhole stitch.
Drawn thread work is a form of embroidery, by which selected warp and/or weft threads are drawn out of the ground material and then cut off. The raw edges are normally stitched over. The remaining threads are decorated with buttonhole stitch or other stitches, in a variety of designs. In Italy it is known as punto tirato.
Pulled thread work is a form of embroidery in which the warp and weft threads of the ground material are pulled together to make small holes by tightening stitches. Also known as: pulled work, or deflected element embroidery (USA).