Embroidery stitches
The Algerian eyelet is a technique whereby a star is worked that is made up of eight straight stitches, all of which are inserted into the same central hole. The stars can be worked individually or in rows. The stitch is worked from the top right hand corner in a clock-wise direction, over four threads.
The term Algerian filling stitch is sometimes, in the case of free-style embroidery, used as a synonym for the long and short stitch. In canvas work, the term is often used for blocks of two or more vertically worked stitches over four threads, and with a second block being worked two threads up (or down), thus creating a staggered pattern.
The antique hem stitch is a form of hem stitch, whereby the needle with each stitch passes between, and not through the layers of the hem. The stitches are worked from the reverse side of the ground material, thus creating a neater appearance than in the case of the (normal) hem stitch. The stitches are generally longer and less slanted that the common hem stitches.
The arrowhead stitch (also sometimes known as an arrowhead) is a diagonal form of stitching, in which a zig-zag effect is created. There are various different ways to create an arrowhead stitch. In the particular example drawn here, the needle comes out at A and goes back into the ground cloth at B. It then resurfaces at C and goes back through the ground cloth at D and so forth.
The back stitch belongs to a class of individual stitches that are made backwards to the general direction of sewing. Back stitches are normally worked from right to left. The needle is brought out a short distance from the beginning of the line to be covered. It is then inserted again at the beginning of the line, thus taking a step backwards. The needle emerges beyond the point where it first started.
The backstitched chain stitch is a composite stitch, which combines a chain stitch with a back stitch. A chain stitch is worked along one line, which is subsequently worked backwards with a back stitch, sometimes in a different colour, thus creating a firm, textured line.
The basket filling stitch (also known as the basket satin stitch) is a form of filling stitch, in which three to five satin stitches are worked in alternating horizontal and vertical blocks to produce a basket weave pattern. The basket filling stitch is generally used for counted thread work. It is not the same as a basket stitch or a basket weave stitch.
A basket stitch is an embroidery technique often used to cover large areas or, in particular, fill in large stems.
The (needlepoint) basketweave stitch (also known as the basketweave tent stitch) is a form of tent stitch. It passes diagonally over the intersection of the horizontal and vertical threads of a canvas. Each stitch follows the preceding one in a diagonal line. The stitching is reversed at the end of each line. See also basketweave.
A basque stitch is made with a reversed S-shaped loop, which is caught at the bottom with a small stitch. The needle is then brought back to the top of the loop in preparation of the next stitch. This stitch allegedly derives from the Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France and was originally worked with a red thread over a green ground material, or with a white thread on a blue-green fabric.