An aumônière is a type of pastry, but it also a medieval term for a small purse or pouch, in English also called an alms or almoner purse or pouch. The term aumônière was generally used in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The purses were often embroidered.
The British Museum in London houses a container, made of cotton and decorated with embroidery. The container measures 57 by 56 cm. It is attributed to the Banjaras from India. The Museum acquired the object in 1986.
The British Museum in London houses a dowry bag that is made of cotton and decorated with embroidery and shells. It is attributed to Banjaras from Central India. The bag measures 42 by 42 cm. The object was acquired in 1986.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses a cotton betel bag from Sri Lanka, which dates to the late nineteenth century. It is embroidered with floral and geometric motifs.
The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam houses a bookcase with a large embroidered panel. The item dates to around 1840 and was produced in The Netherlands. The bookcase measures 219 x 112.5 x 50 cm.
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam houses a knife sheath that dates to the early seventeenth century and was made in the Netherlands. It measures 22 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm. It is made of leather and covered with purple velvet and embroidered with gold and silver thread, pearls and silver sequins.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses an embroidered woman's pocket made in England in the early eighteenth century. It measures 34 x 21 cm. It is made of linen and embroidered with woollen thread.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art houses an English pomander purse from the early seventeenth century. It measures 10 x 7 x 3 cm. It is made of silk and decorated with silk and metal thread embroidery. See also the more extensive entry on the pomander purse in the British Royal collection.
A casket with ebony veneer and decorated with embroidery on the lid and its four sides is housed in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. It dates to c. 1650 and was produced in England. It measures 25.5 (h) x 27.2 (w) x 35 (l) cm. The embroidery is carried out with gold and silver thread, and silk. The embroidery shows various landscapes.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art houses an English, frog-shaped needlecase from the early seventeenth century, made of silk with metal thread embroidery. It measures 4.45 x 5.1 cm. See also the entry on a needlecase with scissors, seventeenth century, now housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
The Muniment Room in Westminster Abbey houses a royal seal bag that is attached to a document dated to 26 November 1280, and used to protect a wax impression of the Great Seal of King Edward I of England (1239-1307, he reigned from 1272) The seal bag is made of wool with a linen lining, intarsia (inlaid) appliqué (with motifs surrounded by laid linen cord) for the main designs, and silk thread embroidery for the details. The embroidery is worked in split stitch.
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam houses a mid-seventeenth century, decorated letter pouch that belonged to the famous Dutch admiral, Michiel Adriaansz. de Ruyter (1607-1676). The pouch is made of green velvet with red leather edges. It was probably made in North Africa. Pieces of leather are sewed onto the velvet on the front of the pouch, and these pieces are embroidered with gold thread. The pouch measures 10.6 x 18 cm.
Martha Edlin was an English embroideress who lived between 1660 and 1725 and from an early age was a proficient embroideress. At the age of eleven she embroidered a casket or jewellery case, which remained in her family for some three hundred years. It is now housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, together with a series of other embroideries by her hand.
The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam holds a nappy basket that is decorated with Berlin wool work, worked in cross stitch. The white basket measures 12 x 51.5 x 37.5 cm.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses a late seventeenth century needlecase with scissors. The needlecase itself was probably made in Britain, but the scissors have been given a Dutch origin. When closed, the needlecase measures 8 x 7 cm. The case is made of embroidered silk, velvet and flannel.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses an embroidered leather wallet, dated 1682, from Ottoman Turkey. It is worked with metal threads and lined with silk. It measures 62 x 23 cm.
An embroidered tea caddy or tea canister dating to the early nineteenth century is held in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The caddy is made of rolled paperwork and wood. The object is signed in embroidery with the name of M. Skeet and that of Melford School. M. Skeet was probably the embroideress, Mary Skeet (1807-1885), who was the daughter of the landlord of The Greyhound Inn in the village of Lavenham, near Long Melford in Surrey.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses a sandalwood box that is decorated with porcupine quills. The box dates to about AD 1855 and was made in Vizagapatam, along the east coast of India. It also includes pieces of buffalo horn and ivory. The box is 23.5 cm high, 33.5 cm wide, and 24 cm deep. The box was apparently made for a Western market, and in particular for the Exposition Universelle in Paris, in 1855.
The Textile Research Centre in Leiden houses a yurt bag from the Uzbeks in Afghanisan, dating to the mid-twentieth century. It measures 80 x 38 x 24 cm. It is made of a cotton ground material with silk embroidery.