A recent (24 June 2019) BBC report from Chile talks about camionas, a slang term for lesbians who wear short hair and ‘masculine’ clothes, such as baggy jeans, checked shirts and baseball caps. In a particular district in Chile, camionas have been physically assaulted. Three butch lesbians, including Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes, have been murdered and others attacked in the district.
"I think Nicole was murdered for being a lesbian, for her way of dressing," said a cousin of Nicole in the report. "Because she dressed in a more masculine way."
"Camionas do not want to identify with typically feminine styles imposed on women through a male gaze," said a Chilean activist in the report. "The clothing is a big part of that. It's a way to recognise each other in the street. In the lesbian community, camionas are our courageous sisters who, despite lesbophobia, dare to show their lesbianism" (click here).