As a generalization, Han lotus shoes can be divided into the four main regional forms, namely northern, western, eastern and southern, with various sub-divisions. Three of these regions are represented here.
Defining where a pair of shoes comes from is based upon their size, the shape of the vamp and heels, as well as the type and shape of soles, the style of embroidery and where it is placed on the shoe. But it should be stressed that it is very difficult to state that a pair of lotus shoes comes from a specific town or village, as there are numerous overlapping types. In addition, brides often travelled long distances bringing their own forms of lotus footwear to their new homes. These forms were often then amalgamated into the ‘local’ style of lotus shoes. The TRC Collection houses various examples from the north, east and south.
Northern China
Pair of Shanxi-Jin style lotus shoes from northern China (20th century; TRC 2010.0351a-b).
Pair of Shandong-style lotus shoes from north-eastern China (early 20th century; TRC 2013.0049a-b).
Eastern China
Pair of lotus bootees from theJiangsu and Zhejiang region of eastern China (early 20th century; TRC 2013.0050a-b).
A pair of lotus shoes from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang region of eastern China. They have a characteristic ‘ladder’ fastening down the vamp (early 20th century; TRC 2013.0063a-b).
Southern China
Pair of wedding lotus shoes from the Fujian/Taiwan region of south-eastern China (early 20th century; TRC 2014.0029a-b).
Pair of wedding lotus shoes in the southern Chinese style (early 20th century; TRC 2013.0057a-b).