Maximilian I and his Family, by Bernhard Strigel

Maximilian I and his Family, by Bernhard Strigel (1460-1528). c. 1515. Maximilian I and his Family, by Bernhard Strigel (1460-1528). c. 1515. Copyright Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria, acc. no. MVK u. ÖTM 2012/1123.

The German artist Bernhard Strigel (1460-1528) painted a group portrait of the German Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519) and his family. Of particular interest is the man in the centre with the black cap with large blue jewels. He is wearing a chemise style undergarment without front opening.

The material of the garment is gathered and covered with a neck band decorated with yellow embroidery. The design is made up of a series of connecting ovals enclosing bars.

The boy to the left is wearing a white shirt with a front slit. The narrow collar and opening are edged with squares worked in dull yellow embroidery. The headdress of the woman to the right may be embroidered, as might be the band on her gown, but there are not sufficient details to be certain.

The painting is now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria, acc. no. MVK u. ÖTM 2012/1123.

See also the TRC Needles entry on a portrait of a young merchant (collar embroidery).

Kunsthistorisches Museum online catalogue (retrieved 29 April 2017).


Last modified on Saturday, 29 April 2017 14:25