
An example of a thimblette. An example of a thimblette.

A thimblette is a thimble made of rubber rather than ceramic, metal, wood, etc. Thimblettes are 'officially' made and used by people working with paper, such as documents and banknotes, rather than as a sewing thimble. However, more and more quilters are using thimblettes, so this form of thimble is sometimes sold together with conventional thimbles, especially via the internet.

Thimblettes are also known as rubber finger tips, rubber finger cones or rubber thimbles. The term thimblette appears to be more widely used in Great Britain and Australia than elsewhere. This word does not appear in dictionaries such as the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and The Fairchild Books: Dictionary of Textiles, but it has become an acceptable term on the internet.

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 8th July 2016).


Last modified on Sunday, 14 May 2017 19:20
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