The History of English Secular Embroidery, 1910

Title pge of Margaret Jourdain's The History of English Secular Embroidery, 1910. Title pge of Margaret Jourdain's The History of English Secular Embroidery, 1910.

The History of English Secular Embroidery was published in 1910 by the British writer on English furniture and design, Margaret A. Jourdain (1876-1951). In 1902 she had already published an updated version of Mrs. Bury Palliser's History of Lace, originally published in 1865.

Source: EDWARDS, Joan (1976). 'A survey of English literature of embroidery, 1840-1940', The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, Vol. 76, pp. 3-20. Dowload here.

Book can be downloaded here (retrieved 20 November 2016).

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 20 November 2016).



Last modified on Monday, 21 November 2016 17:16