Atelier Stadelmaier: Hemelse Mode rond het Altaar

Impression of the exhibition about the Atelier Stadelmaier, Utrecht, 2015. Impression of the exhibition about the Atelier Stadelmaier, Utrecht, 2015.

Atelier Stadelmaier: Hemelse Mode rond het Altaar ('Atelier Stadelmaier: Heavenly Fashion around the Altar') was an exhibition about the work of the Atelier Stadelmaier, Nijmegen (the Netherlands) at the Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht (the Netherlands), between 10 April and 16 August 2015.

The Atelier Stadelmaier was in operation from 1930 until 2010 and produced Catholic liturgical garments, many of which were embroidered. A range of embroidered garments (mostly chasubles and copes) were on display in the exhibition, including a mitre and box made for the Dutch Cardinal Bernardus Johannes Alfrink (1900-1987) and a stole worn by Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) during his visit to the Netherlands in May 1985.

The Atelier Stadelmaier exhibition was held at the same time as the Het Geheim van de Middeleeuwen in Gouddraad en Zijde ('The Secret of the Middle Ages in Gold Thread and Silk').

Source: LEEFLANG, Micha (2015). 'Atelier Stadelmaier: Hemelse mode rond het altaar,' Catharijne: Magazine van Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht, no. 1, pp. 20-21.

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 8 June 2016).


Last modified on Sunday, 16 April 2017 15:47

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