Giovanni Andrea Vavassore (fl. 1530-1573) was a Venetian who was active in the mid-sixteenth century. Vavassore (who was also known as Guadagnino) produced at least one pattern book for embroidery, including Modano (Tuscan filet) and for drawn work. He is particularly known for his Corona di Racammi ('Crown of Embroidery'), which was published in 1530 and reprinted two years later.
The Corona di Racammi contains sixty pages of designs for decorative needlework of various kinds. There is an example of Corona di Racammi in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (acc. no. 32.54.1(1-76)).
Source: EARNSHAW, Pat (1984). A Dictionary of Lace, Aylesbury: Shire Publications Ltd., p. 178.
Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalogue (retrieved 9 March 2016).