
Spools of Grecian twist. Spools of Grecian twist.

Twist (French: torsade) is a form of metal thread made up of two or more strands twisted together, and used as applied decoration. The twist is normally couched down with a thread of the same colour. The stitches are sewn at the same angle as that of the twist itself, so that the stitches are invisible.

There are various types of twist, including: a) standard twist: three strands of metal twisted together to make a cord; b) Elizabethan twist: one of the finest of the twisted cords. The cord is too fine to be sewn down in the same manner as the standard twist, since the stitches would show, so it is couched down with the stitches being a deliberate feature; c) Grecian twist: four strands of metal that are twisted together to make a cord. The Grecian twist tends to be stiffer than the standard twist, but is sewn down with the same method; d) Russia braid (also called in French soutache): a metal braid either twisted in one colour or a mix of metallic and another colour. It is sewn down by either couching over the braid or sewing down the centre of the braid. It is often used as an outlining thread.

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 8th July 2016).


Last modified on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 19:43
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