Brocard, Henri (1836-1900)

Lable of the 'People's soap', marketed in Russia by Brokar and Co. before the Revolution. Lable of the 'People's soap', marketed in Russia by Brokar and Co. before the Revolution.

Henri Brocard (Genrich Brokar; 1836-1900) was a Russian-French businessman and philanthropist, who in the late nineteenth century set up the Moscow firm of perfume and soap production, Brokar and Co. In order to attract customers, especially for his soaps, he included a free chart of a cross-stitch design with his products.

Many of the designs for the cross-stitch embroideries were based on popular motifs from the countryside, which were transformed onto charts by professional draughtsmen. Genrich Brokar and his charts had a profound influence on Russian embroidery. The firm set up by Brokar continues to the present day under the name of Novaya Zarya ('New Dawn').

Henri Brocard and his (Belgian) wife, Charlotte, c. 1890.

Digital source for Henry Brocard (retrieved 20 March 2017).

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 20 March 2017).



The photograph shows Henri Brocard and his wife Charlotte.

Last modified on Monday, 20 March 2017 13:13
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